Monday, 2 April 2007


My Cousin came over for a party we had the other day and told me about

For those of you un-initiated, this site is all very Web 2.0 - a social network site whereby people can get in contact with thier mates, dump photos on their site, leave notes about how they are feeling today and all that jazz. On the face of it it seems like a great thing, getting in contact with old friends (that's good) sharing photos (all good too), but i do get the feeling that the whole thing is being embraced by the wrong user group. Adults.

The entire language of the site lends itself to the school yard "john is now your friend", "you are waiting for samantha to confirm she is your friend" blah blah blah. My suspicion is that this, like going to the playboy mansion, would be a whole lot more fun if i was single and able to go shakring online without the shame of having to do online dating.

But I have a girlfriend, So now I blog while running a sideline in facebook, just so no one leaves me out of the fun.

Man Flu (MF)

OK, if you're interested in something witty and funny today you are not going to get it. Sorry. What you're going to get is what our lady folk call 'Man Flu' (known to the medical fraterinty as MF). Now I'm not a wuss, honestly, in the past 5 years I've had 2 days off work sick, but I truly feel rubbish today.

So I'm not going to talk about anything funny.

I'm going to talk about glow in the dark pigs and fish.

Channel 4 tonight showed a programme about GM animals, and it asked the question....Is it right?

GM anything surely by its nature is something thats going to go wrong at some point sooner or later. Pig poo for example. A guy has made a pig that has less phosphorus in its poo (which is a good thing apparently). and it's all dead environmentally friendly. great- but isn't the real solution to not eat as many pigs in the first place? (hence producing less poo). Constantly re-shaping our world because it doesn't quite fits us perfectly is surely a road to disaster - without going all hippy dippy on you, earth has been here quite a while, and we are unlikely to out live it unless we start playing by its rules.

Having said that if there was a GM cure for Man Flu (MF) I'd bite their fucking arm off.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

The morning after the couple of days and nights before..

I wake up today with a sore throat, aching joints and a couple of uncomfortable-but-not-quite-enough-to-get-sympathy-from-your-girlfriend burns on my wrists and fingers from attempting to BBQ everything for the 30 odd people who were round our flat last night.

Which brings me to my point - why are celebrations always so focused on us all getting absolutley ruined? I'm not taking the moral high ground here by any means - a dry party to me is well, not a party, or at least one that generally includes the elderly - but it does make you think that as we are at the top of the food chain, you'd have thought we could figure out that its not that great for us.

Animals seem to have sorted this out and seem to be quite happy just chilling out when they can, and eating, pooing and shagging whenever they can/have to. (More on this subject to come, most probably to be entitled "cats - why they run the show really")

I have now pretty much written off sunday in terms of activity and have decided to start a blog - not through some noble calling to voice my concerns to the world - although thats what I'll tell people down the pub later...

Actually it's more down to a particuarly bad omnibus direction of Hollyoaks.

Anyways, as my first posting, I'll keep it fairly short, but suffice to say that my postings are likely to ramble across many subjects but will tend to focus on my fave bits of travel, the sea and sailing, mountain biking and food & beverages.